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Backward tilt centrifugal fan

Product details

Backward tilt centrifugal fan
Backward tilt centrifugal fan (centrifugal induced draft fan)

The backward tilt centrifugal fan is one of the high-efficiency centrifugal fans designed in China.

Conjoined model is the fan, drive unit, motor assembly in the same rigid frame body, thus reducing the installation difficulty, shorten the field debugging and installation period.
Type C fan can be matched with integral bearing seat, bearing good lubrication, long service life. When equipped with a water cooler, it can work at a high temperature for a long time.
The C-type fans can be manufactured at non-standard speed to achieve non-standard adjustment of parameters.
Product use:
Application: Widely used in large and medium-sized factories and civil buildings, large squares, power plants, air treatment equipment, hot air circulation equipment supporting.
Conveying gas: non-flammable, explosive, non-corrosive gas medium.
Air dust removal: no sticky substance is allowed in the gas, and the content of dust and hard particles is not more than 150mg/m2. If used for conveying small particle materials, the service life of the impeller of the fan will be shortened.
Normal temperature: the normal operating temperature of the fan is not more than 80° C. If there is any special problem, please contact our technical department.

For example:
Model: XFB-250 (Type A direct connection, type C pulley)
Material: carbon steel, stainless steel (optional)
Speed: 2800 r/min
Air Volume: 1040-1930 m3 / h
Full pressure: 400-785 pa
Motor power: 0.55KW

1. Detailed design: The fan is designed according to the three-way flow theory, and the flat backward inclined impeller. Aerodynamics single blade arc blade.
2. Strong general performance: select the configuration of frequency conversion motor, achieve performance transformation, achieve the parameters of the stepless adjustment, to meet the different needs of customers on the product.
3. Wide applicability:
A: Theaters, hotels, office buildings, and other places
B: Supporting products of all kinds of central air-conditioning units, HVAC, purification, and ventilation equipment.
4. Delivery test: All products are tested and tested before delivery.

KXFB series (4-72) backward tilt centrifugal fans
KXFB series (4-72) backward tilt centrifugal fans are one of the most efficient centrifugal fans designed in China.
1, the connected model is the fan, drive group, motor assembly in the same rigid frame body, to reduce the installation difficulty, shorten the field debugging and installation period;
2, Type C fan can be matched with the whole bearing, bearing good lubrication, long service life. Supporting the water-cooling seat can work in high temperature for a long time; C type fan can be manufactured non-standard speed to achieve non-standard adjustment of parameters.
Advantages: simple installation, long service life, low noise
Applicable industry: battery equipment, coating machine, food machinery, printing and packaging machinery, pharmaceutical machinery, kiln, drying equipment, ceramic machinery, and so on.

Product parameters
XFB series backward tilt centrifugal ventilator (TYPE C drive) technical reference table

Model rotate speed (R/min) Air volume


Full Pressure


Motor Spindle pulley
SP (A/B/C)
Motor pulley
SP (A/B/C)
Poles Frame size-P Work(KW)
315C 1800 850-2300 600-425 Y80M-4 0.55 A80-02-28 A100-02-19
2000 990-2600 700-550 Y80M-4 0.55 A80-02-28 A112-02-19
2200 1100-2800 830-680 Y80M-4 0.75 A80-02-28 A125-02-19
2400 1250-3000 1000-780 Y90S-4 1.1 A80-02-28 A132-02-24
2600 1400-3600 1300-890 Y90L-4 1.5 A80-02-28 A140-02-28
2900 1500-4000 1600-1100 Y90L-2 2.2 A112-02-28 A100-02-28
3200 1650-4600 1800-1430 Y100L-2 3 A112-02-28 A112-02-28
355C 1600 1000-2400 580-500 Y80M-4 0.55 A100-2-28 A112-02-19
1800 1200-2700 700-690 Y80M-4 0.75 A100-2-28 A125-02-19
2000 1300-2950 860-790 Y90S-4 1.1 A100-2-28 A140-02-24
2200 1450-3300 1100-900 Y90L-4 1.5 A100-2-28 A150-02-24
2400 1600-3600 1300-1200 Y90L-2 2.2 A112-02-28 A95-2-28
2600 1750-3850 1600-1450 Y100L-2 3 A112-02-28 A100-02-28
2800 1850-4300 1750-1680 Y100L-2 3 A112-02-28 A106-02-28
3050 1950-4200 2050-1830 Y112M-2 4 A112-02-28 A108-02-28
400C 1300 2000-4300 470-200 Y80M-4 0.55 A100-02-28 A90-02-19
1400 2100-4700 550-220 Y80M-4 0.55 A100-02-28 A90-02-19
1600 2600-5300 700-240 Y80M-4 0.75 A100-02-28 A112-02-19
1800 2900-6600 880-260 Y90S-4 1.1 A100-02-28 A125-02-24
2000 3300-7400 1150-300 Y90L-4 1.5 A100-02-28 A140-02-24
2200 3500-8100 1400-400 Y90L-2 2.2 A125-02-28 A95-02-28
2500 4000-9100 1700-500 Y100L-2 3 A125-02-28 A106-02-28
2700 4700-9800 2000-630 Y112M-2 4 A125-02-28 A118-02-28
3000 5000-11100 2400-730 Y132S-2 5.5 B132-03-28 B140-03-38
450C 1200 2200-5750 520-230 Y80M-4 0.55 A100-02-28 A85-02-19
1300 2700-6320 600-250 Y80M-4 0.75 A100-02-28 A90-02-19
1400 2850-6800 700-300 Y90S-4 1.1 A100-02-28 A95-02-24
1600 3100-7800 900-400 Y90L-4 1.5 A100-02-28 A112-02-24
1800 3600-8780 1120-500 Y100L-4 2.2 A100-02-28 A125-02-28
2000 4000-9800 1400-600 Y100L-4 3 A100-02-28 A140-02-28
2200 4600-10700 1700-750 Y112M-4 4 A100-02-28 A150-02-28
2450 5000-11700 2100-980 Y132S-2 5.5 B132-03-28 B112-03-38
2750 5300-13000 2600-1200 Y132S-2 7.5 B132-03-28 B15-03-38
500C 1100 3100-7700 520-230 Y80M-4 0.75 A125-02-38 A95-02-19
1200 3300-8500 600-250 Y90S-4 1.1 A125-02-38 A106-02-24
1300 3600-9200 700-300 Y90L-4 1.5 A125-02-38 A112-02-24
1400 4000-9800 800-350 Y100L-4 2.2 A125-02-38 A125-02-28
1600 4400-11450 1050-420 Y100L-4 3 A125-02-38 A140-02-28
1800 5100-13000 1350-510 Y112M-4 4 A125-02-38 A160-02-28
1950 5320-13700 1650-670 Y132S-4 5.5 B132-03-38 A180-03-38
2150 6000-14300 2000-1000 Y132M-4 7.5 B132-03-38 B200-03-38
2350 6500-15200 2250-1270 Y160M-4 11 B132-03-38 B21-03-42



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